
Hangouts On Air common questions

Hangouts on air helps you broadcast a hangout, edit and share it on YouTube. You can have a hangout with one person or ten persons. The edited video can be watched by the general public on YouTube. You can also keep the hangouts private if you do not want the general public to view your videos.

Here are answers to some general questions on Hangout On Air:

1. What happens to the video after the hangout?

The recording will be available on your Home page. You'll also be able to edit the recording when the hangout is over which will automatically update your post (and the video URL) to show the edited version.
When you're ready, visit your YouTube Video Manager to edit your video.

2. Can I do a Hangout On Air from a +Page?

Yes, you can. However, the video will be recorded to the +Page admin's YouTube account as there is currently no option to change which YouTube account it's recorded to.

Get more answers at Hangouts On Air Common Questions.


Google Hangouts On Air

You can have a webinar with a small group of people using Google Hangout and put it up on YouTube for larger audience.

Google Hangout on Air is very useful for having a focussed interaction with a small group and at the same time spread the message across with a large audience.

The advantages of Google Hangout On Air are:

"Broadcast publicly. By checking "Enable Hangouts On Air," you can broadcast your live hangout—from the Google+ stream, your YouTube channel or your website—to the entire world.

See how many viewers you’ve got. During your broadcast, you can look inside the hangout to see how many people are watching live.

Record and re-share. Once you're off the air, we’ll upload a public recording to your YouTube channel, and to your original Google+ post. This way it's easy to share and discuss your broadcast after it's over."

Read more at http://googleblog.blogspot.in/2012/05/google-hangouts-on-air-broadcast-your.html

Checkout some cool Hangouts On Air at https://plus.google.com/s/%23hangoutsonair

You can also use a keyword along with the link to search for hangouts related to specific topics.








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